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Movember aims to build awareness for Men’s Health, specifically prostate cancer, testicular cancer and mental health.

Our Pelvic Health Physiotherapist, Anna, is trained and experienced in helping men who have prostate cancer, prostatitis, urinary leakage, bladder urgency and pelvic pain.

How can physiotherapists help with prostate cancer?

Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in men. Some men will have the prostate removed in a procedure called a radical prostatectomy. A common side effect of the surgery is urinary leakage or incontinence. There is evidence that men who do pelvic floor exercises before and after surgery get drier quicker. Pelvic Health Physiotherapists can assess your pelvic floor muscles with an ultrasound and prescribe a pelvic floor program tailored for you, as well as guiding you back to your preferred exercise, sport or hobby!

Bladder issues aren’t just Women’s issues!

Men can experience urinary urgency and frequency, with or without leaking which is called an overactive bladder. Treatment involves teaching strategies to calm the bladder down which lessens the urgent feeling, looking at what you’re drinking and how that affects your bladder, as well as pelvic floor muscle exercises.

Prostatitis is more than inflammation…

Chronic or persistent pelvic pain is a relatively common and distressing condition in men that has been largely a mystery in the medical profession. Symptoms include pain anywhere in the pelvic area including the penis, testes, perineum, anus and buttocks; as well as bladder and bowel issues such as difficulty passing urine, feeling of not completely emptying the bladder, hesitancy, difficulty opening bowels and maintaining an erection.

It was originally thought to be purely an inflammatory condition (prostatitis), however there is often no infection or inflammation present which can be very frustrating to men with this problem. Pelvic floor and outer pelvic muscles such as the glutes are often found to be tight with pelvic pain as well as other factors such as signs of a sensitive nervous system.

Seeing a Pelvic Health Physiotherapist can be very beneficial for pelvic pain. Treatment focuses on releasing, stretching and learning how to relax the pelvic muscles as well as learning about the science behind persistent pain and advice about how to return to or continue with exercise.

What does a men’s pelvic health appointment involve? A pelvic health appointment will involve a detailed history of your concern; a physical assessment of your spine, pelvis and pelvic floor (using the real time ultrasound machine); followed by a discussion about what is contributing to your concern and a management plan outlining how we will help you to resolve the issue.

Anna understands that it can be difficult to talk about pelvic health issues. All appointments are confidential and taken in private consulting rooms.

For November we are offering 20% off all Men’s Health appointments. To book an appointment follow the link to the online booking section of our website or call PROmotion admin team on 9284 4405.

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