With the summer of Cricket in full swing this week our blog is by one of our Physio team members Katie Hartshorn a previous state cricketer who is also now back at the WACA as one of the development squad Physio’s.
Whether you are transitioning out of a winter sport into cricket, or just commencing preseason now- it’s time to consider how you will build into the season to be in optimal shape. With such a high prevalence of load-related injuries with the nature of cricket, ensuring you are going into Round 1 strong, injury-free and fighting fit is highly important. Here at PROmotion, we commonly see shoulder, back and elbow issues with cricketers and one of the main reasons for injury are overloading or weakness of specific important muscles.
Overload, particularly with fast bowlers and throwing in the field- can take place quicker than you realise, making it super important to ensure you have a structured and graduated loading program that will minimise the likelihood of breaking down. Weakness of muscles such as the rotator cuff and glutes can also place more stress throughout the joints and expose a greater chance of injury.
Making sure you have a proper warm up completed prior to starting training- this may include specific muscle activation, a specific routine dependent on whether you are a fast bowler/batter/keeper etc. or graduated throwing program will ensure you are ready to perform.
If you are after a structured strength and conditioning program that is specific to your skill- our exercise physiologists can take you through an individualised program. Alternatively, if you are a player who always seem to be injured- PROmotion’s physiotherapists can conduct a comprehensive screen to identify areas of strength and weakness and formulate a rehabilitation program accordingly!
Katie our Cricket guru is available for Physiotherapy appointments and cricket screening Monday - Friday with Saturday appointments available. To book online click here or contact the clinic on 9284 4405.